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Companies dream about it. They even want it. But the few who take it up in our country are unfortunately going about it the wrong way.


Any company can embrace the blue ocean strategy. Whether you have a startup, a medium-sized company, or run a large company with offices abroad. However, there are still very few companies that actually adopt this approach, which has been very successful beyond our borders. Fewer than I would like.


Many companies are trying to use the tools of the Blue Ocean strategy, but they are not grasping them properly. They think they will discover the blue ocean in three months. They won't. It takes more than a year of concentrated work. Another common mistake is that companies fill out the tools schematically and procedurally. They don't understand the market perfectly, they don't understand their customers and their needs. But this is the key to a successful blue ocean strategy.


Do you know which discipline has it the same way? Which one works on the same basis?




And that's what every company that wants to sell does. Doesn't it?


How can Blue Ocean help in marketing?

Marketing is the field that has to figure out what, where, how and for how much the company will sell. Marketing should know what the competition is doing and why, it should know the target customer, their joys and sorrows. Marketing determines product, place and price. Not only promotion.


It's only a step from marketing to a blue ocean strategy. But most companies in this country don't want to do it. They rely on different strategies. Yet linking Blue Ocean and marketing can bring even better results for many companies. If you use the tools correctly, do a thorough analysis of your portfolio, paint a value curve, build a buyer's benefit map, and realize who your non-customers are, you'll have enough compelling ammunition that any marketer and his market segmentation team wouldn't dream of. It's a piece of cake to precisely target and reach your ideal customers in your advertising.


For more on the link between blue ocean strategy and marketing, visit the MARWEA marketing agency website. Together we put together a whole article about it. If you're interested in this, check it out.

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